What are the 4 types of chatbots?

There are several different types of chatbots, but some common categorizations include:

  • Rule-based chatbots: These chatbots follow a set of predefined rules and are designed to handle simple, structured tasks. They can be programmed to understand specific keywords and respond with predefined answers.
  • Self-learning chatbots: Also known as “cognitive” or “AI-based” chatbots, these chatbots use machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user input. They can improve their performance over time by learning from interactions with users.
  • Scripted chatbots: These chatbots use a script or a predefined conversation flow to guide the interaction with the user. They are typically used in customer service scenarios where the interactions are highly structured and follow a predefined path.
  • Hybrid chatbots: This category of chatbots combines features of rule-based and self-learning chatbots. They use a combination of predefined rules and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user input.

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